So here’s the skinny under the tentative contract agreement.
Retirees that are in the UPS healthcare system will remain in the UPS system.
The cost to the retiree of that healthcare will remain the same for the duration of this agreement.
Whatever coverage you have, is the coverage you will keep. There will be no changes to your plan.
You will not be moved into the Central States C-6 plan. Only current, active employees will be moved into that plan, and that will happen on January 1st of 2014.
Anyone that retires prior to January 1st 2014 will stay in the plan they have for the duration of the contract. The cost will remain 200 dollars per person.
Basically what was negotiated on our behalf was the best we could hope for, NO CHANGE! No increase in cost. No change in our coverage or networks. Now the decision to the guys on the border of retirement will be “do I go now, or wait to get the pension increase, but pay more for my insurance”. If you read these pages, you will find that my speculation held true. Current retirees will keep what they have. It’s what has happened in every contract in the last 40 years. It is what happened this time, and I must say, thank you Teamsters negotiating teams for keeping it that way.
There will be even more rumor, and more speculation, but the Teamsters Union did the job for the retirees.
All of this applies to Local 455 retirees from UPS. Those of you under other Local jurisdiction need to contact your officers to find out what is in store for you.
My information comes from one of the people that sat on the National Negotiating Committee. If anyone has any different information, please respond to our comments section below.