Do you know someone who is looking for a job? UPS has just announced that they are going to hire 25,000 people.
Sounds impressive, that kind of announcement can make the stock go up. But a couple of questions immediately come to mind.
First, what kind of jobs are they hiring people for? Part time jobs have a high turnover and hiring 25,000 sorters and preloaders over the next 5 years is nothing to brag about. In fact, it only highlites a serious problem that has plagued UPS since wages stopped going up for those jobs in the 1980’s.
And secondly, we all have to ask ourselves: Would I recommend a UPS job to a friend? Sure, the money’s great, the insurance is great, the checks don’t bounce. But is it a healthy work enviroment?
We always used to say, somewhat jokingly, “Friends don’t let friends work at UPS.” What would you say today if a friend asked you if driving is a good job because his son or daughter would like to be a UPS driver?
UPS jobs available:
25,000 UPS jobs open nationwide, baby boomers retiring from UPS careers
UPS jobs and careers are in the news today with the announcement that that United Parcel Service will hire 25,000 employees. With the average income of a UPS driver at approximately $70,000 per year, this is great news to many who are unemployed.
Applicants must pass a virtual driving test as part of their application for the UPS jobs.
UPS jobs will open over the course of the next next five years with a number of baby boomers retiring. There are currently 99,000 drivers employed by UPS in the United States.
United Parcel Service, Inc., more commonly known as UPS, is the world’s largest package delivery company. Headquartered in Sandy Springs, Georgia, United States,UPS delivers more than 15 million packages a day to 6.1 million customers in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.
If an applicant for a UPS job passes the virtual driving test, training is then based at a facility approximately 10 miles outside of Washington D.C.
Package handling jobs are the most readily available jobs with UPS driver jobs a more coveted and hard to get position. However, with the announcement by UPS about 25,000 new jobs over the course of the next five years, it may be worthwhile to apply for any job within the company to start a career with UPS and move up the ranks.
UPS states that it does promote from within, so if you are unemployed or looking for a position with a growing, stable company, applying to UPS is a smart move. In Rhode Island, the UPS delivery center is in Warwick off of Jefferson Boulevard. On any given day, drivers can spot hundreds of brown UPS trucks coming and going from that area. However, do not apply at local centers, instead use the on-line application to start the process.
Find available UPS jobs in your area here
Providence Business Headlines ExaminerCheryl Phillips