All Pensions Not Created Equal

Local 804 has won the biggest pension increases in the country, including a written agreement on the pension increases that will be approved by the Pension Fund trustees when the contract is ratified.

On Jan. 1, 2014, the 30 & Out benefit will go to $3,900/month. On Aug. 1, 2017, the 30 & Out benefit will go to $4,000/month.

The 25-at-age-55 benefit will also go up to $3,900/month and $4,000/month on those dates.

The current 30 & Out and 25-at-age-55 benefit is $3,600/month.

On Jan. 1, 2014, the 25 & Out pension will go to $3,400/month and on Aug. 1, 2017, the 25 & Out pension will be increased to $3,500/month.

The current 25 & Out benefit is $3,100/month.

These increases will be voted in at a special meeting of the Pension Fund trustees.

The Pension Fund’s actuaries did a study and have reported that the Fund can afford to pay these increases and continue on the path to get into the Green Zone on schedule.

Click here to read signed Letter of Intent by the UPS Pension Fund Trustee that spells out the pension fund improvements that the Company Trustee will support.